Friday, February 13, 2009


I don't know about the rest of the damn country, but in LA it was often about surfer clothes.

And not that raggedy-ass homeless surfer shit they sell now that looks like they went over the border, brought back a bunch of peso ponchos and dyed them light blue.

I mean the classics. In the beginning, god created T&C (Joe Cool, motherfuckers!), Maui & Sons, and saw that it was good

Then there was Rusty's and Limpies--the lame middle period.

Then there was the renaissance of Stussy and Mossimo. Fuck, yeah. My favorites were the Stussy shirts with the art deco collars. $35 it cost for just one of those damn shirts, and they never went on fucking sale. Maybe you could get two for $65 if you'd blow the guy at Pacific Sunwear (which is what they used to call PacSun you little shits).

But Billabong was also a classic. Billabong was the understated and kinda intentionally lame thing to wear that seemed to appeal to the stoners. And not just because it had "bong" right in the name, either. Something about the fabrics or the colors or how they looked with unkempt hair.

A billabong is a seasonal stream in Australia, so they always make me think of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport, by Rolf fucking Harris back in the way back.


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